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Invasive Plants: Weeds of the Global Garden (Brooklyn Botanic Garden Publication)
Get Free Ebook Invasive Plants: Weeds of the Global Garden (Brooklyn Botanic Garden Publication)
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Product details
Paperback: 111 pages
Publisher: Brooklyn Botanic Garden; 1st edition (1996)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 0945352956
ISBN-13: 978-0945352952
Product Dimensions:
6 x 0.2 x 9 inches
Shipping Weight: 7.2 ounces
Average Customer Review:
4.8 out of 5 stars
6 customer reviews
Amazon Best Sellers Rank:
#1,873,742 in Books (See Top 100 in Books)
Another fine volume in the Brooklyn Botanical Garden's handbook series, Invasive Plants is a handy and informative guide to what not to plant, and why not to plant it. It not only lists invasive plants, and, more importantly, where they are considered invasive (one gardener's hedging plant is another's stubbornly invasive volunteer shrub). This book is a must-have for avoiding introducing invasives, which are frequently offered for sale in plant catalogues and nurseries. Every time I pass a wetland area choked with lovely but thuggish purple loosetrife or a tree that's been smothered to death by oriental bittersweet, I wish more folks had access to the information in this book.The photos are very good, and the book is well-organized. It includes sections on removal and selective elimination of invasive plants. Highly recommended for anyone wanting to avoid introduction or to rid an area of harmful plant material.
This is a fine book, but I think it is more of an introduction to the concepts of invasive plants and the need for management of them than a thorough guide to identification and management practices. There are 112 pages, most of which contain full page spreads about individual examples of invasives. All of my "old friends" (multiflora rose, autumn olive, bush honeysuckle) are there, but kudzu, mile a minute weed, and obviously lots of other problem plants, are absent. So, pretty good for identifying many/most of the big players, good introduction, and highly motivational.
Every gardener should have this book.
I will go a long way in agreeing with the other reviewers. This is a simple, accessible book, that gives a lot of practical information on a problem that is worse than I thought and certainly deserves attention.However, some minor quibles with the other reviews: this is a modest book with photographs that are only modest in size. It falls short of being an attractive book for browsing (a coffee-table book) as well as short of being a field guide (used to ID plants). Also it showcases only a modest selection of plantsNevertheless: a useful introduction to plants invading the US.
Outstanding reference book! I am glad to have it.
Review – Invasive Plants: Weeds of the Global GardenInvasive Plants is a fascinating little book. It lists 80 plants brought from elsewhere than the USA that are known to be invasive. Reasonable pictures, good descriptions, brief analysis of which portion of the USA is bothered, tips on how to handle these 80 plants are all included. Each plant gets its own page. The amazing thing is that most of these plants are still being sold in the nurseries, at least in some portions of the US.The authors took two comprehensive plant directories and abstracted over 300 non native plants they consider to be problems with crowding out native species, damaging habitat for both domestic and wild animals and bird, endangering and overwhelming native bioms. From these 300 they selected these 80 plants for being common and possibly wide spread and a serious problem in some portion of the US.A short list of the plants the authors included is: Japanese Honeysuckle, ice plant, Amur maple, butterfly bush, tall fescue, reed canary grass, pampas grass, Siberian Elm, Multifola Rose, bachelor's buttons, English holly, Japanese Barberry, black locust, paper mulberry, dames rocket and so on up to 80 plants.This book also contains some hints on management of these pests and hints on overall unwanted plant control.This book is useful for those planning gardens as to which plants to avoid. The answer is often surprising.
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